Lecturer and speaker at major conferences and seminars on personal success promotion and NLP

saeedeh jafary monfared
Promotion of individual personality Our words are not a slogan
It is an action on our part
sing up
We can promote three dimensions, physical, mental, spiritual, Find the way to evolution in the universe and the great God Self Knowledge


Learn 10 Success Techniques

How to build a new belief?

The secret to inner peace

Dispersed mind and integrated mind

Nervous System Programming (NLP)

Nervous System

This part of the NLP deals with the nervous system and neurology, which includes the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Language capabilities

This section of the NLP deals with the effect of language on the mind, brain, and related nervous system. Two types of verbal and non-verbal language structures are considered in this section.


This part of the NLP uses verbal and non-verbal language to reprogram the nervous system and the mind and brain.

Success in personal growth with our help

NLP brain verbal nervous system programming

NLP is a quasi-scientific method that claims to profoundly change the structures of the mind and brain and seeks to discover the effect of verbal and non-verbal linguistic structures on the nervous system and the programming of the mental and cerebral system.

The law of attraction and the universe

The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on negative or positive thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their lives and to each other and experience it.

Familiarity with the subconscious

The subconscious or unconscious conscience includes psychological phenomena and life processes and the extraction of information or thoughts involuntarily (predetermined will) or due to external factors that are not perceived by recognition and lack the quality of consciousness.

Increase confidence and self-esteem

Self-confidence is one of the psychological conditions in which a person believes and believes in his / her abilities and talents to succeed in doing things successfully due to previous experiences.

Three-dimensional promotion, physical, mental, spiritual (self-knowledge)

Self-knowledge is a term in psychology and behavioral science that describes individual information or the individual herself and individual knowledge about herself.


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